F3P Nieuws uit de 2013FAI CIAM meeting Lausanne: F3P programma's voor F3P-AP-14 en F3P-AF-14 zijn het FRANSE voorstellen (met kleine wijziginhen) aangenomen. Als er mmer nieuws is, horen jullie. Henny
Nieuwe FAI F3P programma's Hierbij de nieuwe F3P programma's die zojuist zijn aangenomen: FAI F3P programma’s 2014 F3P Program AP-15 AP-15.01 Square Reverse Cuban Eight with full roll up, two consecutive ¼ rolls up K=3 AP-15.02 Knife-Edge Trombone with ¼ roll up, ¼ roll down K=2 AP-15.03 Loop with two rolls in opposite direction integrated K=6 AP-15.04 Camel Humpty-Bump with ¼ roll up, ¼ roll down K=4 AP-15.05 Four consecutive 1/8 rolls K=5 AP-15.06 Stall Turn with two consecutive ½ rolls in opposite directions up, ½ roll down K=3 AP-15.07 Knife-Edge Top Hat with ¾ roll up, ¼ roll down K=5 AP-15.08 Half Cuban Eight with roll down K=2 AP-15.09 Horizontal Circle with two consecutive rolls integrated K=5 AP-15.10 Half Horizontal Knife-Edge Circle with ¼ roll, ½ roll integrated, ¼ roll K=3 AP-15.11 Vertical upline with consecutive four 1/8 Torque Rolls K=4 ------ K=42 F3P Program AF-15 AF-15.01 Knife-Edge Golf Ball with ¾ roll up, half roll integrated, 1/ roll down K=3 AF-15.02 Vertical Eight K=2 AF-15.03 Knife-Edge Flight Combination with ¼ roll, roll, ¼ roll K=5 AF-15.04 Figure 6 with Stall Turn, ½ roll down K=3 AF-15.05 Cubic Top-Hat with ¾ roll up,, ¼ roll down, ½ roll, ¾ roll up, ¼ roll down K=6 AF-15.06 Half Horizontal Square Circle on Corner with ¼ roll, ½ roll, ½ roll, ¼ roll K=4 AF-15.07 Eye-Catcher with two ¾ rolls integrated in opposite directions K=6 AF-15.08 Half Horizontal Hour Glass with1/2 roll down, roll up, ½ roll down K=4 AF-15.09 Horizontal Triangular Circle with ¼ roll, ½ roll integrated, roll, ½ roll integrated, roll, ½ roll integrated, ¼ roll K=6 AF-15.10 Tail Slide with two consecutive 1/8 rolls up, two consecutive 1/8 rolls down K=3 AF-15.11 Roll combination with 1¾ roll, 1¾ roll in opposite direction K=5 ------ K=47
FAI: F3P Kampioernschappen Het WK F3P 2015 is toegewezen aan Polen. Het EK 2014 staat nog open . . . . . So far, Vergadering bijna klaar.
Hello Henny, AP-15.05 "Four consecutive 1/8 rolls" does not match the ARESTI-Drawings: http://www.francef3p.fr/loic/F3P15/Projet_F3P-AP_2014-2015_v1.2.pdf What is the intended manouevre? I assume that it should read "Eight consecutive 1/8 rolls" as per ARESTI. Unfortunately, there are still no official minutes from the CIAM meeting in April. Jürgen