RCSoaring Digest (niet alleen zweven)

Discussie in 'Algemeen modelvliegen' gestart door ron van sommeren, 22 nov 2008.

  1. ron van sommeren

    ron van sommeren Forum veteraan

    Lid geworden:
    31 aug 2002
    halverwege Tiel & Nijmegen, tussen Maas & Waal
    December, zie
    RC Soaring Digest magazine

    • Wihok 60, a plank flying wing by Grégory Pinaud.
    • The 42nd Annual Soar for Fun covered by Peter Carr.
    • Eastern Thermal Busters PSS Fest. Izak Theron details the event with photos by Tanya Carnall, John Godwin, Piet Rheeders, and Izak himself.
    • Clarence Ashcraft describes all that went into accomplishing the 8 hour LSF task during Soar Utah 2008. Photos by Dave Garwood.
    • Walk-around of a Morelli M-100 S by Mark Nankivil.
    • Greg Potter details modifications he carried out to make his Bubble Dancer suitable for F5J competitions.
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    The A388 has a span of six feet and is designed for slope soaring.
    Laatst bewerkt door een moderator: 25 aug 2012
  2. ron van sommeren

    ron van sommeren Forum veteraan

    Lid geworden:
    31 aug 2002
    halverwege Tiel & Nijmegen, tussen Maas & Waal
    We're pleased to announce the January 2009 issue of RC Soaring Digest is now available for downloading from the RCSD web site.

    • Soar Utah 2008 - Complete event coverage of this event (29 August - 1September), sponsored by the Intermountain Silent Flyers, by Tom Bean with photographs by Dave Garwood and Jim Harrigan.
    • F3B Team Trials, South Africa - Eight pilots battle it out for three places on the National Team. Text by Lionel Brink, photos by Derek Marusich.
    • The 2m Challenge - Basic RC gear, hi-start launches, and achievable event goals make for an interesting and well attended event. Great for those just entering the field of competition. ByGreg Potter
    • Pull-Pull Cable System for Sailplane Controls - How to get a slop-free linkage between the servo and the control surface. By Peter Carr
    • Supryssa (My entirely homemade Supra) - When you really want a competitive sailplane, but lack the money to buy one, there are always alternatives. Here's how a preteen built her heart's desire. By Alyssa Wulick
    • Where to Fly - Gordy Stahl shares Thermal Sage Frank Weston's advice for thermal duration pilots.
    • Hobby Club Grunau Baby 1/3 Scale ARF - Dan Troxell reviews an inexpensive but well-made and good handling scale model of a vintage German glider.

    This issue has 74 pages and is 13.8MB in size. If you have a slow connection and desire a smaller RCSD PDF, consider downloading the highly compressed version of this issue (4.6MB) from the RCSoaringDigest Yahoo! Group Files section. The image quality is reduced, but download time is significantly less. You must be a member of the RCSoaringDigest Yahoo! Group to download these compressed PDFs. (Dit is een announcement (aankondigingen) groep, geen discussie, geen spam, je kunt je gerust aanmelden. rvs)

    If you're using a fast connection, you may want to download the "original" high quality PDF of this issue (28.6MB) from the RC Soaring Digest site. In the interests of bandwidth and server usage, we ask that you download only ONE version of each monthly issue from the RC Soaring Digest web site. That is, download either the "normal" size issue from the main or highlights page link, or download the "full size" version from <Originals> folder - not both.

    COVER PHOTO: Ren DiLeo's 1/4 scale Schweizer 1-26. This picture was taken by Ren at Torrey Pines while the plane was being flown by Mike Lance. Ren's 1-26 has a fiberglass fuselage and built-up wings using a true Clark Y airfoil. It weighs 9 lbs. 10 oz. ready to fly. In the cockpit is one of Ren's RD Enterprises Premier Pilots.
    Laatst bewerkt: 22 jan 2009
  3. ron van sommeren

    ron van sommeren Forum veteraan

    Lid geworden:
    31 aug 2002
    halverwege Tiel & Nijmegen, tussen Maas & Waal
    We're pleased to announce the February 2009 issue of RC Soaring Digest is now available for downloading from the RCSD web site RC Soaring Digest magazine.

    This issue has 66 pages and is 12.4MB in size. If you are using a dial-up connection and desire a smaller RCSD PDF, consider downloading the highly compressed version of this issue (3.9MB) from the RCSoaringDigest Yahoo! Group Files section. The image quality is reduced, but download time is significantly less. You must be a member of that group (no spam!) to download these compressed PDFs.

    If you're using a broad-band connection, you may want to download the "original" high quality PDF of this issue (28.2MB) from the RC Soaring Digest web site.

    In the interests of bandwidth and server usage, we ask that you download only ONE version of each monthly issue from the RC Soaring Digest web site. That is, download either the "normal" size issue from the main or highlights page link, or download the "full size" version from <Originals> folder - not both.

    Thanks for your continued readership!

    • Magnum Models F-5 Tiger, a realistic 32.5" span scale sloper with good flight characteristics and the ability to to do well in relatively light lift. Review by Dave Garwood with additional flight reports by Joe Hosey and Alex Paul
    • Midsummer slope soaring trip... Volksrust 2008-2009. Piet Rheeders recounts his old year/new year week at Tamatie Berg with other RC slope soaring enthusiasts. The highlight of this trip was the maiden flight of Piet's Aero Commander. In-flight photos by IzakTheron
    • A scrapbook of photos of Volksrust 2008-2009, the week-long Tamatie Berg event. Twenty pilots brought a wide ranging selection of scale gliders and PSS models, some extremely large. Photos by Izak Theron and Piet Rheeders
    • Eaton Air RC Bad Voodoo ODR, a well designed One Design Racer with exceptionally good performance and an ability to take abuse. By Alex Paul with photos by Dave Garwood
    • he Tool Room - Bosch PMF-180E. The first of a series of four articles reviewing multipurpose oscillating tools. By Lothar Thole
    • As mentioned in the January Editorial, Mitsuru Ishii, Japan, broke his previous indoor free flight hand-launch glider record by more than ten seconds. Here are more details and plans for the record breaking glider, courtesy Kurt Krempetz and AMA Glider - Home

    COVER PHOTO: Jorgen Nederland's EPP plank scoots along the Rodvig Slope in Denmark. Wing cores with the MH45 airfoil were cut by Adam Rogalski. It has a 1.6 meter span and 1.0kg to 1.5kg flying weight, depending on ballast. Photo by Morten Enevoldsen.
    Laatst bewerkt: 22 jan 2009
  4. ron van sommeren

    ron van sommeren Forum veteraan

    Lid geworden:
    31 aug 2002
    halverwege Tiel & Nijmegen, tussen Maas & Waal
  5. ron van sommeren

    ron van sommeren Forum veteraan

    Lid geworden:
    31 aug 2002
    halverwege Tiel & Nijmegen, tussen Maas & Waal
    April issue is available.
  6. ron van sommeren

    ron van sommeren Forum veteraan

    Lid geworden:
    31 aug 2002
    halverwege Tiel & Nijmegen, tussen Maas & Waal
    May issue is available online.

    • RC soaring pilots from the state of Rio Grande dol Sul get together for a weekend of slope flying. By José Ignacio Blanco
    • Pete Carr tests the Shadow 3 receiver he converted from 72 MHz to 50 MHz.
    • The Seattle Area Soaring Society and the Seattle Glider Council present silent flight to the public.
    • Can watching a DVD make you a better glider pilot? A review of the Radio Carbon Art production High Performance Thermal Soaring by Seth Arlow, MD
    • Olympia II walk-arounds — Mark Nankivil photographs N606BG and N480LY
    • Lothar Thole reviews the Fein MultiMaster oscillating tool.
    • Piet Rheeder's E-Tsotsi does it again!
    • Coverage of the 55th Annual Weak Signals RC Show - Toledo 2009 - by Tom Nagel
    • Larry Weller shows how the original Corobat can be easily converted to an electric powered version that can be flown from the slope or as an aerobatic sailplane trainer.
    • Plus other news items and announcements

    Alan Mayhew's Xplorer at the Open F3J International
    competition held in Adelaide, South Australia

  7. ron van sommeren

    ron van sommeren Forum veteraan

    Lid geworden:
    31 aug 2002
    halverwege Tiel & Nijmegen, tussen Maas & Waal
    Juni is beschikbaar online.

    • Antonio Carlos Martins presents his Frigate, a lightweight all wood glider influenced by the Frigatebird. Full size plans are available from the RCSD web site link within the article.
    • Another design from Antonio Carlos Martins, the Ax is designed to serve as a platform for any 400 brushless motor and a 3-cell 1300 mAh Lipo battery pack. Full size plans are available from the RCSD web site link within the article.
    • Morten Enevoldsen finally gets his multi-year flying wing thermal plank project into the air.
    • Ryan Grosswiler has come up with a winner in the Medicine Man, an all wood model of 60 inch span which is patterned after the balsa kits of yesteryear and designed for radio control.
    • MVSA members plot out the flight path of their models using the SkyTraceGPS.

    A RealKits Medicine Man rests after another successful flight. This one was built by
    RCSD Managing Editor Bill Kuhlman and his nine year old granddaughter, Anna Pylman.
    Check out the kit review in this issue, starting on page 28.

  8. ron van sommeren

    ron van sommeren Forum veteraan

    Lid geworden:
    31 aug 2002
    halverwege Tiel & Nijmegen, tussen Maas & Waal
  9. ron van sommeren

    ron van sommeren Forum veteraan

    Lid geworden:
    31 aug 2002
    halverwege Tiel & Nijmegen, tussen Maas & Waal

    Januari 2012

    • Johann Lochner’s Red Bull JART looks fast, even when standing still.
    • Lothar Thole describes his home-made Dremel drill stand milling attachment.
    • Vincenzo Pedrielli takes us to Mauborget, Switzerland, for a Bungee Cord launch of full size gliders.
    • Peter Carr explains how solar cells on the fuselage and wings may keep the battery pack charged to capacity.
    • Giuseppe Ghisleri introduces his aerobatic Manta Ray, a sloper based on the full size LET L13.
    • An Adventure of Istanbul, a Rainbow, and a Constellation - places and planes through the eyes of Gordy Stahl.
    • Sydney Lenssen takes us to Bovec, Slovenia, and then relates the latest gossip.
    • Archive images, restoration photos and walkaround of a Slingsby Kirby Gull I, N41829

    COVER PHOTO: Manta Ray aerobatic slope
    machine, page 32
    Laatst bewerkt door een moderator: 29 dec 2011
  10. ron van sommeren

    ron van sommeren Forum veteraan

    Lid geworden:
    31 aug 2002
    halverwege Tiel & Nijmegen, tussen Maas & Waal
    December, 56 pagina's, 11MByte en gecomprimeerde 3,7MByte versie:
    RC Soaring Digest magazine

    • Midwest Slope Challenge 2009 - Alex Paul covers the 16th Annual MWSC event. Photos by Joe Chovan, Dave Garwood, Jim Harrigan, and Alex Paul
    • Anton Benning's P.S.S. Impala - Anton describes his large scale slope 'ship.
    • Funny weekend, that one - Trail flying in South Africa. By Kevin Farr
    • Servicing Thermic Snifflers - Upkeep and maintenance of this useful piece of vintage equipment. By Peter Carr
    • A Total Energy Probe (An RCSD reprint) - An easy modification to the Thermic Sniffler makes it an even more valuable tool. Probe design by Joe Wurts, described by Ben Trapnell
    • Constructing the Shongololo wing - Evan Shaw describes the lay-up of the shells, the joining of the halves, and the completion of the wing for a competitive F3B machine.
    • Luigi Frederico Teichfuss' Borea - The tragic story of a little known Italian two-place sailplane. By Vincenzo Pedrielli
    COVER PHOTO: A One Design Racer (ODR) flies through the starting gate
    at the 16th Annual Midwest Slope Challenge.
  11. ron van sommeren

    ron van sommeren Forum veteraan

    Lid geworden:
    31 aug 2002
    halverwege Tiel & Nijmegen, tussen Maas & Waal
    Januari is online, RC Soaring Digest magazine

    • Pete Carr covers the Cumberland Fly-For-Fun 2009
    • Hobby Club's SUP-RES (Superb RES) # Gordy Stahl explains why RC sailplanes are kites first.
    • Rules for Height Limited eSoaring from the British Model Flying Association
    F3B TOOL launch, a product of AER-O-TECH Corporation

    Laatst bewerkt: 20 mrt 2011
  12. ron van sommeren

    ron van sommeren Forum veteraan

    Lid geworden:
    31 aug 2002
    halverwege Tiel & Nijmegen, tussen Maas & Waal
    Februari is online

    • No better way to celebrate the end of one year and the start of another than to go flying! Piet Rheeders relates the several day trip to the Tamatieberg slope. Photos by Piet Rheeders, Jochen Smit, Edmund Brandon and Sam Linakis.
    • A piece of test equipment that calibrated radio control systems about 30 years ago is used to solve a problem of today. By Pete Carr.
    • A smaller stabilizer and vertical fin/rudder on a long tail boom can lead to increased aerodynamic efficiency. But you have to keep the weight down. By Garth Warner.
    • A group of Italian enthusiasts has taken on the rebuilding of Zoegling 435. A long term project and still a work in progress, Vincenzo Pedrielli provides an overview of what has been accomplished thus far.
    • South Africa's Model Gliding Association postal competition rules now include electric winch, hand tow, hi-start and electric launch options. Lots of ideas for contest formats.

    Piet Rheeders' CMP Discus puts on a show
    in front of a beautiful cloud formation.

    Laatst bewerkt: 24 dec 2010
  13. ron van sommeren

    ron van sommeren Forum veteraan

    Lid geworden:
    31 aug 2002
    halverwege Tiel & Nijmegen, tussen Maas & Waal
  14. ron van sommeren

    ron van sommeren Forum veteraan

    Lid geworden:
    31 aug 2002
    halverwege Tiel & Nijmegen, tussen Maas & Waal
    RC Soaring Digest november is online

    • InterMountain Silent Flyers Soar Utah 2010 - Coverage of the bi-annual event. Text by Fred Maier with photos by Fred Maier and Dave Garwood.
    • World Soaring Masters - Held at the AMA International Aeromodeling Center, September 24th-26th. A photo album by Mark Nankivil.
    • Italian Scale Vintage Glider Meeting - A first for Italian scale vintage glider enthusiasts, this well attended function was photographed by Vincenzo Pedrielli.
    • Kuranda Gliding - Australian Andrew von Berky reunites with some Queensland flying buddies from years ago.
    • JOMAC Aerotowing - John Godwin relates the Johanessburg Model Aircraft Club shift from winch launching to aerotowing and shows off the tugs and several great looking scale gliders.
    • Hobby Club Mini TopSky HLG - A cute 1.0m span 4.5 ounce glider, perfect for small flying areas, now carried by Hobby Club of San Clemente California.
    The Zenith 3.7 is a custom-made all-carbon
    composite sailplane manufactured in the Czech Republic.

    Laatst bewerkt: 20 mrt 2011
  15. ron van sommeren

    ron van sommeren Forum veteraan

    Lid geworden:
    31 aug 2002
    halverwege Tiel & Nijmegen, tussen Maas & Waal
    December RCSoaringDigest is online, 60 pagina's.

    High quality, 33MByte

    • Moswey II HB-204 - Vincenzo Pedrielli relates the story of a 1:3 scale reproduction by Ruedi Straub and Lukas Schaub.
    • Action Composite Photos - A rapid-fire digital camera mounted on a tripod and a bit of software tinkering leads to some very impressive photo composites. By Joe Nave.
    • Soar-for-Fun - Pete Carr takes to Cumberland Maryland for the 44th annual event which showcases the aerotowing of some incredibly beautiful scale sailplanes.
    • Electric Spirit Elite - Leonidas Castello shows how to modify this well known ARF into a potent electric launch sailplane.
    • A Swept Wing Saga - Drawn by the elegance of the planform and its unque flying qualities, Paul Westrup relates his love affair with swept wings and his successful use of flaps on his 2 meter design.
    • MiG-7 PSS - Derived from the MiG-3, the MiG-7 has a larger wing and is an ideal candidate for engine powered combat... and PSS. Dave West's freely downloadable plans for a corroplast and plywood model are the basis of Izak Theron's conversion.
    This pilot moves along with the stick and rudder pedals
    in unison with the controlsurface servos. See Pete Carr's article.

    Laatst bewerkt: 20 mrt 2011
  16. ron van sommeren

    ron van sommeren Forum veteraan

    Lid geworden:
    31 aug 2002
    halverwege Tiel & Nijmegen, tussen Maas & Waal
    Januari is online:


    • Kurodake and "bamboo landing" - Last November Vincenzo Pedrielli visited Japan for two weeks and spent one day in Kurodake with his friend Isao Odagiri. Vincenzo shares his experience on the slope with text and photos.
    • United States F3B Team Select Report - Glauco Lago provides in-depth coverage of the bi-annual event from a personal perspective.
    • 2010 GEMS PSS - The annual Volksrust event had exceptionally good weather on Saturday this year and a number of models took to the air with their pilots demonstrating their skills at both building and flying.
    • Building the MicroStar 2000 Version 5 - Pete Carr got his hands on the latest MicroStar encoder and put it into a ProLine Competition Six case. Excellent stick gimbals in the ProLine plus easy programming and an LCD readout make for a great custom transmitter.
    • PNG RC Soaring Contest - Papua New Guinea was the site for a thermal duration contest which drew six contestants and around 100 enthusiastic onlookers. Lots of fun for everyone involved.
    A large scale Nimbus 4 makes a pass,
    Mount Fuji in the background

    Laatst bewerkt: 20 mrt 2011
  17. Hans N.

    Hans N.

    Lid geworden:
    9 feb 2003
    Bedankt Ron, voor het trouw posten.
    Ik vergeet vaak om het zelf te lezen, maar jouw draadje zorgt ervoor dat ik weer een half uurtje leesplezier heb en geniet van de foto's

    Namens ongetwijfeld (vele?) andere lezers: Keep up the good work.
  18. ron van sommeren

    ron van sommeren Forum veteraan

    Lid geworden:
    31 aug 2002
    halverwege Tiel & Nijmegen, tussen Maas & Waal
    Dank Hans, ik stel het zeer op prijs :)

    Je kunt je natuurlijk ook abonneren op de groep, die is alleen voor aankondigingen, en archief voor de low-res PDF bestanden (in de 'files' sectie), 2 berichten per maand:
    RCSoaringDigest : RCSoaringDigest,
  19. ron van sommeren

    ron van sommeren Forum veteraan

    Lid geworden:
    31 aug 2002
    halverwege Tiel & Nijmegen, tussen Maas & Waal
    Februari is online, 20 pagina's, 3,3MByte


    • Een erg mooi transparante ribbenvleugel met een vreemde geometrie (rvs)
    • A Design Philosophy - One modeler's long term project involving planform, airfoils, and covering materials with the goal of achieving better performance. By Bruce Abell
    • Gordy's travels... Is Balance a Fix for Pitch Sensitivity in Contest ’Ships? - Gordy Stahl discusses the roles of control system "slop," digital servos, CG location, and transmitter set-up in getting your contest sailplane to "fly right."
    • The MGASA Postal Thermal Contest - The Model Gliding Association of South Africa rules updated for 2011 as submitted by Gert Nieuwoudt.
    Jerôme Bobin's Toons, a 11 Kg homemade aerobatic
    monster on a slope near Grenoble in the French Alps.

    Laatst bewerkt: 20 mrt 2011
  20. ron van sommeren

    ron van sommeren Forum veteraan

    Lid geworden:
    31 aug 2002
    halverwege Tiel & Nijmegen, tussen Maas & Waal
    Maart is online, 98pagina's, 7,3MByte:
    RCSoaringDigest : RCSoaringDigest (announcements & deadline messages only, 2 berichten per maand, en archief)
    RC Soaring Digest magazine

    • Two Oceans Slope Soarers Aerobatic Event 2011 - Cape Town, South Africa.
    • The 2-Point-4 Chronicles: The personal experiences of the Coyote - Mike Lee relates his history with 2.4 GHz radio systems in a variety of RC sailplanes.
    • Presumptions vs. Black Box - How 2.4 GHz radio systems and an inexpensive add-on can be used to gather information for post-incident evaluations.
    • Homebrew Thermal Sensor - An electronics project by Pete Carr.
    • FAI Sporting Code, Section 4 Aeromodeling, Radio Control Soaring - Updated regulations for F3B, F3F, F3J, F3K, F3H, and F3Q, plus rules for World Cup events.
    • Notes concerning A Design Philosophy - Recent items of interest concerning Bruce Abell's article in the February issue.
    • Flaps for Swept Wings - Norman Masters uses a minimum of math and several diagrams to explore appropriate flap size and location to minimize pitching during deflection.
    • Civil Air Patrol uses gliders in its cadetprogram to teach fundamentals of flight.
    Malcolm Riley checks flight surfaces pre-launch,during the Two Oceans
    Slope Soarers Aerobatic Event 2011, Cape Town, South Africa.


    3537 views: potdikkie voorlaatste bericht bijna 300keer bekeken :)
    Laatst bewerkt: 25 apr 2011

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